Unidad de aprendizaje I. People, food and dishes
Main competences for Learning Unit 1
- Describe people's looks and physical appearance - Give instructions to prepare dishes
- Order food and give opinions on dishes
Learning Unit Objective: Describe people's looks and physical appearance (A2.2.1)
Development of the Learning Unit activities / examples Contents Learning
- Describe looks and physical appearance State characteristics relating to age and looks (eg, pretty, young, short, tall, elderly, good-looking, curly brown hair, straight blonde hair, etc)
- Ask and answer questions about age, height, hair, and looks (eg, How old is he? / How tall is she? Does he wear glasses? / What does she look like? She looks gorgeous! She's tall and she has brown hair, etc.) - Ask and answer questions about appearance (eg. What does your husband look like? He's tall with gray hair / What does your teacher look like? Shes short and she wears glasse, erc.)
- Contrast appearance (eg Are your children short? No, they're very tall When I first met him, he had brown hair but now it's all gray! etc.)
- Contrast past and current appearance (eg, My grandfather had brown hair but now it s gray! When Iwas six wore blue glasses, but now
Unidad de aprendizaje II.Countries, art and transpor
Unidad de aprendizaje III.Class activities, work plans and job roles
Mi nombre es Adilene Calderón Dominguez, tengo 19 años, soy de Rìo Grande y estudio en el Centro de Actualizaciòn del Magisterio, la Licenciatura en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Español. Me gusta mucho cantar y bailar, mi gènero de mùsica favorito es el regional mexicano y country. Le tengo un gran respeto a la naturaleza y soy amante de todos los animales.
Al costado derecho les dejo mis redes sociales.
Adilene Calderón Dominguez - adelinecalderon@camzac.edu.mx
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