Unidad de aprendizaje I. People, food and dishes 

Main competences for Learning Unit 1 

- Describe people's looks and physical appearance - Give instructions to prepare dishes 

- Order food and give opinions on dishes


 Learning Unit Objective: Describe people's looks and physical appearance (A2.2.1) 

Development of the Learning Unit activities / examples Contents Learning 

- Describe looks and physical appearance State characteristics relating to age and looks (eg, pretty, young, short, tall, elderly, good-looking, curly brown hair, straight blonde hair, etc) 

- Ask and answer questions about age, height, hair, and looks (eg, How old is he? / How tall is she? Does he wear glasses? / What does she look like? She looks gorgeous! She's tall and she has brown hair, etc.) - Ask and answer questions about appearance (eg. What does your husband look like? He's tall with gray hair / What does your teacher look like? Shes short and she wears glasse, erc.) 

- Contrast appearance (eg Are your children short? No, they're very tall When I first met him, he had brown hair but now it's all gray! etc.)

 - Contrast past and current appearance (eg, My grandfather had brown hair but now it s gray! When Iwas six wore blue glasses, but now


Unidad de aprendizaje II.Countries, art and transpor

Unidad de aprendizaje III.Class activities, work plans and job roles